About Us

General School Description

Zorra Highland Park P.S. was officially opened on December 16, 1966 to accommodate the students from eleven West Zorra Township schools. It is located in the centre of one of Ontario's fine agricultural communities. The community has a strong positive influence on the school and has high expectations for the students. Our approximately 250 children attend classes from Junior Kindergarten to grade eight. 

Zorra Highland Park P.S. has an active group of parents who contribute and volunteer in the school in various ways. There are many ways for parents, guardians and others to be involved in the school e.g.volunteering in the classroom, or on field trips or by joining Parent/School Council or Home & School. 



 Auto Attendant Greeting............... 519-475-4121

Secretary............................................ Press 2

Learning Support Teacher.................. Press 3

Vice-Principal............................................. Press 4

Principal............................................. Press 5

Fax.................................................. 519-475-4922

E-mail.............. zorrahighlandpark@tvdsb.ca


                     SCHOOL HOURS


8:55 a.m......... Bus arrival, supervision begins

10:40 - 11:30 a.m............. Nutrition Break #1

1:10 - 1:50 p.m................. Nutrition Break #2

3:30 p.m.................. Dismissal, bus departure



Thames Valley District School Board


 Curriculum By Grade




 Principal............................ Mrs. Passmore

Vice-Principal.............................Mrs. Methot

K1 / K2 ................................. Mrs. McIntyre / Ms. Richicci

K1 / K2............................................ Mrs. Jack / Ms. Alden

K1 / K2...........................................Mrs. Finch / Ms. Collins

K1 / K2...................................Mrs. Cenerelli / Ms. Yeoman

K1 / K2.......................................Mrs. McGinnis / Ms. Noddle

K1 / K2.......................................Mrs. Cole-Stainton / Mrs. Francis

K1 / K2.......................................Ms. O'Neil / Ms. Gratkowski

Gr. 1........................Mrs. Defent

Gr. 1........................Mrs. Rowland-MacDonald

Gr. 1 / 2........................Ms. Nesbitt

Gr. 2................................. Mrs. Pech

Gr. 2..................................... Ms. Godick

Gr. 3...............................Mrs. Dukeshire

Gr. 3 /4........................................ Mrs. Hutchinson

Gr. 3 /4........................................ Ms. Bertrand

Gr. 4 / 5......................................... Mr. O'Dea

Gr. 4 / 5........................................ Mr. Willows

Gr. 5....................................... Mr. Wiffen

Gr. 6....................................... Ms. McCorquodale

Gr. 6............................Ms. Young

Gr. 7 / 8 .................................... Miss Brooks

Gr. 7 / 8 .................................... Mr. Bartley

Gr. 7 /8..................................Mr. Bilyea

French...................................... Ms. Moodie

Learning Support........................... Mr. Roberts

Library / Prep / Music............................................ Mr. Crockett

Prep.................. Miss Ford, Miss Brar, Mrs. Blake-Versaevel

Educational Assistants........... Mrs. Gingerich, Ms. Miles, Ms. Bertrand, Mrs. Kleyn, Mrs. Herod

Charge Custodian.................. Mr. Grimbleby

Afternoon Custodian..................................... Mrs. Overzet

Administrative Secretaries............ Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Franssen



  • Clearly communicate a flexible understanding of numbers and operations. 
  • Become good writers who are able to communicate ideas with ease and clarity.



All schools are required to keep accurate, up-to-date records of student attendance (both absences and lates). Parents/ Guardians are to report student absences using the SchoolMessenger Safe Arrival. Absences can be reported using one of the following options:

  • Accessing SchoolMessenger online. Navigate to tvdsb.ca/schoolmessenger (please add to your bookmarks / favourites).  Click Sign Up and follow the instructions to set up your account. Within minutes, you will receive an email with a link to complete the Sign Up process.
  • Accessing SchoolMessenger using the Smartphone App (recommended for time efficiency purposes). After setting up an account through www.tvdsb.ca/schoolmessenger, download the SchoolMessenger app through the App Store or Google Play Store and log in using the credentials used after validating your account online.
  • Accessing SchoolMessenger by phone. Parents/guardians who do not have access to a computer can access the system by calling 1-844-305-3756 (toll free) to report absences.
  • Students leaving the school during the day must be signed out at the office by their custodial parent or guardian. A note or phone call must be provided for any other person to sign a student out.
  • Students arriving late must report to the office to get an Admit slip before going to class.



Student safety is a priority and if a student is absent and a parent/guardian does not report it through SchoolMessenger, an automated call will be sent to the parent/guardian (home or cell numbers only) and/or an email to inform the parent/guardian of the unexplained absence. During this call, the parent/guardian can interact with the system to provide a reason for the absence. It is necessary to remain on the line until a confirmation number is given. The automated system will continue to attempt to contact the parent/guardian until a reason for the absence is reported to ensure student safety.



Children who are too ill to effectively complete the normal load of daily activities or who have contagious illnesses should be kept home from school





It is essential that we all work together to keep our students safe. Students are made aware of their responsibilities and the expectations for appropriate conduct whilst travelling on the bus. These include the following:


 - Be at your bus stop on time.

 - Remain in your seat.  No scuffling or obscene language.

 - Keep the bus clean - no eating or drinking on the bus.

 - Keep your hands to yourself.

 - Be polite and courteous.


Riding the bus is a privilege.

When students do not follow the expectations for reasonable behavior the consequences may include a phone call home, detention or temporary suspension from the bus.



The Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services transportation policy is a primary address policy which means students are picked up and dropped off at their assigned pick-up and drop-off spot.  Students are NOT ALLOWED to switch buses or get dropped off at a different bus stop other than their own assigned stop on their own bus.  Bus drivers are not permitted to accept notes requesting alternate arrangements.  Please understand that this policy is to ensure the safety of all students.



Students are assigned to a bus route at the beginning of each school year and are expected to continue on that route unless there is a change to the route or your family moves. 

 There is a PARENT PORTAL available at mybigyellowbus.ca (or the Transportation link on TVDSB website).  Using the student ID number, parents will be able to log into the portal and access their student’s transportation arrangements. Students should be waiting in a safe place for the bus in the morning - drivers cannot wait for late students.  At the end of the day, parents should arrange for the safety and care of children after drop-off including emergency instructions for unexpected situations (e.g. the parent/caregiver not at home).


 Poor weather or other unexpected circumstances occasionally interrupt usual transportation routines.  In these situations, radio broadcasts, the school website and/or phone calls will be used to notify parents.

Radio Stations: 101.3 (Tillsonburg), 103.9 The Hawk, 1240 CJCS Stratford, most London stations.

Website: www.mybigyellowbus.ca  \



Buses may become delayed in service for reasons such as driver or mechanical issues, traffic congestion, poor driving conditions, construction, late departure from the school at dismissal time, etc. As a courtesy and to notify parents/guardians and schools, when a bus is reasonably expected to be delayed, the bus company will post the delay on www.mybigyellowbus.ca. Bus delays for operational matters will be posted in the following categories, noting all times are approximate:

  • · Less than 20 minutes;
  • · 20-30 minutes;
  • · 30-40 minutes;
  • · 45 minutes or more

Note that buses delayed in service may be able to make up time on the route and it is therefore recommended that you attend your bus stop at its regular scheduled time to avoid missing the bus in the morning or not meeting your student at the end of the day.



In the event of bus cancellations due to FOG, buses will be cancelled in the morning but will operate in the afternoon as scheduled unless otherwise posted. In the event of bus cancellations due to any other kind of inclement weather, bus cancellations are in effect for the entire day. If buses are cancelled for the entire school day, the school will remain OPEN for students to attend unless there has been a notification of a school or system-wide shut down. Please be aware that if transportation is cancelled for the entire day, there will be no bus pick-up to go home at the end of the school day and parents are responsible to pick up their children by 3:30 p.m. On inclement weather days, please inform the school if your child will be absent.



On very rare occasions, a situation (usually poor weather) may arise resulting in students being sent home early.  In this case families will be notified by phone to make arrangements with each family for the safe dismissal of all students.   It is therefore essential that parents keep us informed of any changes in phone numbers and emergency arrangements.  If it is not possible or is impractical to send students home, they may be evacuated to the Embro Community Centre in an emergency situation.



When you are picking up or dropping off a child, please respect the bus lane signs.  The front driveway must not be used from 8:45-9:00 a.m. and from 3:15-3:45 p.m. The side driveways and parking lot may be used by parents.

 Students are not to be dropped off until 8:55 in the morning.  Supervision begins at 8:55 a.m.

 After the buses have left in the afternoon your child can be picked up in the front foyer.



Research shows that children whose parents are involved with their school do better academically.  If you have skills, talents or just an interest that you can offer to our students, you will find it is a very rewarding experience.  Call the school to find out more or to offer your services.

There are many opportunities to volunteer at Zorra Highland Park. Parent and community volunteers are vital in many school activities such as, in classrooms, the library, and on field trips.  You can donate your time on a regular or a “once-in-awhile” basis. 

Please be reminded that all volunteers in the school require a criminal background check. A volunteer criminal background check is valid as long as an annual offence declaration has been completed by the volunteer each year. An annual offence declaration must be completed even if the individual is unable to volunteer during a school year. If a volunteer does not complete an annual offence declaration, then the criminal background check is no longer valid. Please call the school office if you need to complete this process.



Students with Prevalent Medical / Health Conditions

To ensure children with potentially life-threatening medical conditions remain safe while attending school, TVDSB requests Parents/Guardians update the necessary medical information on the Parent Portal so that an Individual Plan of Care (IOPC) for the student can be reviewed by the school’s administration. Medical conditions considered potentially life-threatening may include:




                                                                         Type 1 Diabetes

Any other potentially life-threatening condition that could result in a medical incident. (A medical incident is a circumstance that requires an immediate response and monitoring, since the incident may progress to an emergency requiring contact with Emergency Medical Services – 911).


Parents/Guardians can provide important information about their child’s life-threatening or prevalent medical condition by logging into the TVDSB Parent Portal and clicking on the following tab: Student Medical Information. Once an Individual Plan of Care is submitted, the school administrator will then review the information. Parents/Guardians may be contacted for further information, if required.


Parents/ Guardians who cannot access the Parent Portal on the internet should contact the school office. Please note that Parents/Guardians are expected to be active participants in supporting the management of the student’s prevalent medical condition(s) while the student is in school. It is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to inform the school of such conditions to ensure the student’s safety at school. PLEASE DO THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!



 Many children suffer from allergies that affect their well-being in a variety of ways.  Nut allergies particularly can be very serious; in the worst cases, possibly causing death.  Therefore, all students should avoid bringing nuts and nut products to school at all times.  Students in the classes of students with identified allergies have been given special instructions to safeguard the health of those students.  All children should avoid offering or sharing food, or eating something that they have not brought themselves.  The importance of hand washing and thorough clean-up after eating will be emphasized.


 HEAD LICE (Pediculosis)

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to check regularly for, report to the school and treat, pediculosis.  Fall and spring are particularly common times for infestations.   We have information available to help you recognize and treat the condition.  The Oxford County Health Unit (519) 539-9800 will also provide assistance. 

If students are suspected of having head lice at school, we will call a parent or guardian to report the suspected condition.  You are required by Board policy to confirm the condition, then treat the child if necessary and sign a statement regarding the treatment before the child is readmitted to school.  We will also notify the parents of the other students in the class that there has been an incidence of head lice in the class. 



 The Code of Conduct for our school was developed, reviewed and revised with the input of staff, parents and students.

At Zorra Highland Park, we believe it is important to develop a safe, positive and supportive environment for all.  Students are encouraged and expected to be cooperative, to make wise choices and to exercise self-control.  To attain this, consequences are consistent, fair and based on mutual respect. Parents will be informed if students persistently fail to cooperate.

The Safe Schools Committee at Zorra Highland Park P.S. is committed to ensuring safety for all students and promoting a sense of belonging, respect, acceptance and empathy including appropriate use of technology. For more information, please visit https://www.tvdsb.ca/en/parents/safe-schools.aspx.



Most classes will go on one or more group field trips that enhance classroom learning and are linked to the learning outcomes / expectations. Usually there is some cost involved, although the school and/or the Home and School Association may subsidize costs.  Please call the teacher or principal if you require assistance with funding - no child will ever be excluded from participation for financial reasons.



Each child’s progress is regularly reported to the student and parent through the Provincial Report Card.  Elementary Progress Report Cards for students in K1 – Grade 8 will be sent home in November and Elementary Provincial Report Cards will be sent home in February and June.


 Co-instructional Activities may include the following:

  • Cross Country 
  • Volleyball Grade 7 & 8
  • Basketball Grade 7 & 8
  • Soccer
  • Track and Field
  • Choir
  • Student Leadership
  • Library Helpers
  • Lunchroom Helpers
  • Office Helpers
  • Milk Program
  • Recycling Team


To develop a greater understanding of additive reasoning, through tools and representations, meanings and properties of the operations and a variety of computational strategies.


